Thursday, August 27, 2015

Giving everyone a sneak peek! : )

Deeper Faith

All too often, your time with God seems empty, lacking everything you were hoping for, as you pray through your doubt and cling to whatever faith you have left. It’s difficult at best when you can’t see anything happening. You pray, but there are no answers…and if there are, they aren’t the answers you were looking for. In fact, often times your prayers seem to take you into deeper despair. You question if God is there, if He cares, and whether or not faith is really worth the fight.
But we miss the point. We see things on the surface and grow weary in the waiting. We give in and give up in the silence and our impatience hinders our hearing God. We fail to understand that it’s in the silence that God is trusting us more than we’re trusting Him. In the silence, faith is demanded—God is taking our faith deeper. Because it’s when mountains are moving, and when seas are parting…we don’t need faith at all. That’s when our faith has taken sight…oh how we’d rather walk by sight instead of by faith. But God’s ways are higher than our own…and we have to trust they’re better.
God has promised to answer you when He calls to you—the obstacle is believing that His answer is truly what’s best. We tend to build up walls, when God doesn’t show up when we want Him to and in the way we want Him to. You see, persistence in prayer doesn’t mean your faith overrules God’s perfect will for you…nor should you want it to—you’ll know that you’ve gone deeper in your faith when you find peace in trusting that God HAS heard you and that He WILL answer in His perfect way, in His perfect timing. It’s going beyond experiential faith—deeper faith gives you deeper peace…and you need that.
Our greatest desire in faith should be that God would take it deeper—deeper than our faith has ever gone before. And it’s when God answers that prayer, that we must grasp His ways, realizing that God may very well allow circumstances in our lives (the ones that threaten our faith and take it into the depths of doubt) to draw us nearer to Him—to deepen our faith. (And make a “note to self”…going deeper in your faith, trusting God more, will never be easy.)—Pray for patience and God is going to put you in situation that tests your patience in extraordinary ways. Pray to be prosperous and successful, and though God blesses you, He’s going to ask you to share your great reward. Pray for health and He just may ask you to care for someone who is ill. Always be ready for God to take your faith DEEPER…and be willing to dive ALL IN…don’t just get your feet wet.

So, pray, persistently, knowing that God WILL answer…press through the walls of doubt and into His presence where you’ll find peace, joy, and endless glimpses of His glory. And above all, never give into your fear—pray with all that you are that God will take your faith DEEPER.


  1. My sweet friend, It never ceases to amaze me how these writings show up just when I need it the most! I thank God always that HE brought us together just at the right time many years ago.. and although we don't get a chance to keep in touch like I would like, I feel your love and prayers always even in my lowest times... Your friendship in priceless to me and I so love you! Praying for you always

  2. Hello, My name is David Ramos. I am a fellow Christian author like yourself. I wanted to see if you would be interested in doing a swap.

    I would send you my book (Climbing with Abraham) so you could review it and in exchange I would review your most recent book on both my blog and on Amazon.

    Let me know if you are interested! Have a blessed day!

  3. I love that you share that being Christian is not always easy and that the loving God who always answers our sincere prayers does not always answer our prayers when and how we want Him to answer our prayers or how we expect Him to answer our prayers. He answers prayers out of His abundant love and infallible wisdom for our growth rather than for our comfort. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  4. Loving and serving God is not always easy, but as one of the disciples said, "Where else could we go? For we have heard you and have grown certain that you hold the path to eternal life." And as it says in the Epistles to James, "Faith without works is a dead faith." We are called on to feed the hungry, comfort those who mourn, visit those in prison, and to share our faith with unbelievers. Not merely to pay someone else to do these things, but to go do these things in person, over and over again. And we are called to do these things with a glad heart and a cheerful face, reflecting God's love for us and God's love for those in prison or who are hungry or who mourn. It is sometimes much easier to help someone in need if I can complain about how inconvenient it is to help someone so irresponsible or annoying or ungrateful. I am not always good at the cheerful countenance part. I hate trying to be cheerful when I know someone had lied to me. But I am praying about that. I do not know if it is ever my place to say anything in rebuke but I know that I frequently say more than I should. Sounds like a little thing, but I know that it is a failure to be an effective witness to non believers, and so it is something that I need to overcome, and that with God's grace I can overcome this stumbling block. And God is giving me a lot of opportunities to overcome this. God answers prayers abundantly, very abundantly, even when His answers are not what we were expecting.


I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie