As I took my morning jog...I noticed in the distance there were several buzzards circling over a very specific area. My first thought was...some animal is injured...or dead. For whatever reason, immediately God spoke to my heart:
He said to me, "Those who do not continually pray...are prey." Wow. Never thought of it that way before...but as I recalled an all too familiar Scripture, 1 Peter 5:8...I was reminded that there IS AN ENEMY...and according to this Scripture...He's looking for "someone to devour."
I'm not sure what you're going through, but the enemy is looking for someone who is injured or "appears" spiritually dead. (In other words, someone who does not appear "alive" with the Spirit of God and the sacrificial blood of Christ running throught their veins.) We aren't "alive" if we're not "in Christ." AND we cannot be "in Christ" if we are not continually praying...prayer is our "lifeline" to our God who saves. (He is the vine...we are the branches)
So, I'm sharing with you, the message I received from God today..."stay in a state of prayer." If it's evident to the enemy that you're "alive" (in Christ)...he'll see that you're not "easy prey." In the words of one of my favorite pastors, Charles Stanley,
"We stand strongest upon our knees!"
Praying for you ALL always, with joy,
A good word. A prayerless life is an unprotected one!
Cherie, I love Charles Stanley. His book The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life is a must read! Changed my life.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Very powerful post!
I'm going to remember that now..."Pray or be prey." Wisdom here.
~ Wendy
Whoa, powerful word today, Cherie! Pray or be prey. Wow. Now that's something I can chew on and meditate on for a long time to come. Beautifully said, my sweet sister in Christ!
Great words, and cute pic! :-) I love how your blog is set up too.
Thank you my dear sisters...for your comments...praise God that we have embraced His message! "Praying" you all have a wonderful weekend filled with joy of the Lord!
With joy,
Tamika...that is one of Charles Stanley's books I haven't read...I'm going to check it out!!!
Love to you sister!
What a powerful post! Love the mental picture.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Cherie - This is just wonderful! I love that "pray or be prey" - that is a visual that will stick with me forever!
In Him,
I love this post and I love Charles Stanley. Awesome preacher! I remember something he said that is similar to your quote, "Fight all your battles on your knees, and you will win every time.
IN EARLY 2020 A COVID 19 SLAVE SHIP RAMMED THE USS LIBERTY. Liberty survivors washed up on the shores of discontent. The rest were weighed down by their chains of consent IN SHARK INFESTED WATERS. WAKE UP "COVID" HOUSE ZOMBIES! You are being digested in the belly of consent.
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie