Okay, so maybe Chicken Little got it wrong, but for many of us facing unthinkable circumstances…our sky is falling! It becomes increasingly difficult to stand firm in our faith when the very ground we’re standing on is shaking and the expectations for our lives are crumbling down around us. It’s not long before disillusionment and disappointment set in which begins to breed bitterness and resentment. As the “sky falls,” we look up at it…wondering, “Where is God in all of this?”
As our spirit begs for answers from a God who seems so silent, we’re faced with many choices in our times of despair. We can run around franticly yelling, “The sky is falling,” or we can run helplessly into the arms of the “Maker of the skies.” God’s Word tells us to do four things when we’re consumed with hopelessness and despair.
1) Turn to God. (Immediately!) How much peace have we forfeited and how much unnecessary pain have we endured…all because we fail to run immediately to the throne of God? Psalm 23 tells us that God is our source of strength in the valleys. We may not understand why God has allowed us to encounter our trials, but He has promised to use whatever pain and suffering you are enduring for your good and His glory! (Romans 8:28-29)
As our spirit begs for answers from a God who seems so silent, we’re faced with many choices in our times of despair. We can run around franticly yelling, “The sky is falling,” or we can run helplessly into the arms of the “Maker of the skies.” God’s Word tells us to do four things when we’re consumed with hopelessness and despair.
1) Turn to God. (Immediately!) How much peace have we forfeited and how much unnecessary pain have we endured…all because we fail to run immediately to the throne of God? Psalm 23 tells us that God is our source of strength in the valleys. We may not understand why God has allowed us to encounter our trials, but He has promised to use whatever pain and suffering you are enduring for your good and His glory! (Romans 8:28-29)
2) Trust in God. Instead of sinking into despair, turn to God and be assured through His promises that you can trust Him…completely. He is sovereign, which means He has allowed you to face the difficulties you endure. He promises that through it all He is with you and will never leave you. Refuse to become overwhelmed by the enemy’s attacks on your life and trust in the God who is able to redeem and restore every hope and dream that’s been lost. He is able to do MORE than you can hope for or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)
3) Stay Focused on God. Don’t allow your circumstances to distract you from keeping your eyes on Jesus. Peter taught us, all too well, that when we’re walking in faith and then take our eyes off Jesus…we’ll begin to sink. We must be determined to keep walking forward in that same level of faith that got us out of the boat in the first place! If your faith starts to fail, cry out to Jesus, He’ll reach out to save you! (Psalm 25:15; 2 Chronicles 20:12)
4) Fight the Fight of Faith. When you find yourself consumed with disappointment and overwhelmed with doubt, turn to God’s Word and be encouraged by His personal promises to you. In digging deep into His Promises you’ll find a new perspective on your circumstances and an assurance of God’s intimate love for you. With each step of faith you take, God’s presence and power will be there to meet you and lift you up. (1 Timothy 6:12; Psalm 3:3)
It’s been said that faith doesn’t make things easy, but it makes all things possible…even when the sky is falling.
I was reading about this in my quiet time this morning while doing my Bible study. When things come down around us our Faith can be affected and sometimes we are not willing to seek the Lord bc we are mad! David was when his friend was killed for touching the Ark 2 Sam 6. but then the Lord showed his favor on Obed Edom and David's hope grew and he made the decision for continue on with the Lord. If we first are honest with our feelings it will bring freedom and the Lord knows anyway. Then if we look around we can see the hand of God in everything and he will bring us through the trial even better and stronger than before! Sometimes we have to realize "There is just a bigger plan." and to remember ...."We are HIS treasure." Deut 7:6 and we need to "Return to HIM with ALL of our heart." Joel 2:12
Bless you Cherie!
This struck a chord with me today, as I have just come from my weekly Bible study (Beth Moore's Esther) in which she said if we want the upper hand in a battle, we need to raise our hands up! Hold it up and out to God and let HIM take it and win it for us.
Great post!
I just LOVE that last thought...so truly spoken, and this post seemed so timely for me. Thanks for sharing.
faith makes all things possible!! love that. what a great post. a real source of encouragement. thank you!
Thanks for joining TRUTHSHARER! I'm happy to meet you and to read about your journal.
As I read your most recent post here I am reminded of a bookmark that I printed out before Christmas to give as gifts. So many people were [and still are] going through difficult circumstances and trials that were beyond their realm of comfort - yet I wanted to encourage them to trust GOD through those very circumstances for this reason:
The Bookmark says:
are not enemies of FAITH,
but rather opportunities to prove God's FAITHFULNESS!"
I have no idea who wrote that or I would give them credit - but it has meant so much to me because I know from Scripture and from God's Heart that these words are true!
I'm also a supporter of World Vision and am currently reading
Richard Sterns book:
A Hole in Our Gospel
I would love to review this book at some point. It is one that my oldest daughter and her husband gave me for Christmas this year. They are now headed off to Haiti as full-time missionaries and though their decision was made before they read his book - I know that it was just another confirmation of God's direction to lead them there!
I hope to visit your blog again and I welcome you to TRUTHSHARER. I encourage you to visit my other site - SHEPHERD'S WALK at Sweetbriar...
Link: http://shepherdswalkatsweetbriar.blogspot.com/
May the Lord conitnue to use you for His glory and kingdom purposes!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
JESUS ONLY in 2010
Amen! A good word Cherie! Have a blessed weekend...
Amen. I can definitly give testimony to this!
I love this post. The last few years have been extremely difficult, but God is faithful and He has taught me so much about reliance on Him. :)
This is good advice. I've had to do these things a lot over the last year.
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie