What I'm learning on this journey is that regardless of what's going on in my life...God is always at work. He never ceases His work in and through me. I am so thankful for that. God has such grander purposes for our lives than we can imagine. His purposes are far greater than our health, wealth, prosperity, and "problem-free" life. There's a much higher purpose in my life than God just giving me what I want, when I want it, the way I want it, and how I want it. Demanding my way would deprive me of far too many miracles that God desires to do in my life.
I'm so thankful that He doesn't answer all of my prayers. I'm so thankful that His desire is to develop my faith for a greater goal of displaying His glory in and through my life.
And so, in being thankful,
I am learning to be at peace, content with whatever transpires, because I know I can take it from His loving hand.
I am learning to pray for what I want, surrender it all, and be joyful for what God gives.
I'm learning that there's not room for me on God's throne, I belong at His feet.
I am learning to stay focused on Him and continue to serve Him in the midst of great uncertainty.
I am learning to love others and care for their needs when my own heart is breaking.
I am learning to live out my faith even when I can't see results.
I am learning to be faithful even when my flesh wants to give up and run away.
I am learning that when my world seems to be falling apart, it's really just falling into place.
Through the amazing journey...where faith doesn't make things easy, but makes all things possible...God is diligently at work, developing my faith so that it will be more precious than gold. He wants me to have the faith that raises the dead to life, that can heal the sick, that can save the lost, that can reconcile a broken relationship, that can move mountains, that receives miracles in answer to prayer, that rests in Him alone.
He's giving me strength, not just to make it through another day, but to live victoriously! He's giving me His wisdom to make decisions that are critical to my life. He's developing my patience to endure painful injustices. He's offering me forgiveness so that I might offer it to those who offend me. He's filling me with hope for the moments when all hope seems gone. He's pouring down His grace upon me in the times when I least deserve His love. He's giving me joy when my life appears to be unraveling. And God does all of this as He fills me with Himself, wraps His arms of love around me, and draws me close. In His presence, present troubles fade away.
And so, I continually lay down my life...which seems hardly adequate in the face of how Jesus laid down His life for me. Amazing love grips me as I realize the truth... He would rather die than to ever live without me.
Wow Cherie....You stopped by my blog and said you were glad you found me... goodness... glad you did as well....
Your post spoke so deep to my spirit...
He would rather die than to ever live without me
Goodness.. So true so true.
and learning to ask for what we want and be thankful for what he gives...
great post... hugs,
What an awesome post, Cherie! The Lord has certainly taught you a lot of valuable things! All so important. I must say, that the ones that resonate the most with me are -
"I'm learning that there's not room for me on God's throne, I belong at His feet."
"I am learning that when my world seems to be falling apart, it's really just falling into place."
Thanks so much for being obedient to share what the Lord has shown you! You're such a talented writer - God bless you abundantly!
What a beautiful, spirit-filled post. Thank you for blessing me today with your words of hope and faith.
Thank you. This was a post that I very much needed this week.
Many blessings to you today.
I kept cutting and pasting your words as they spoke to me but finally came to almost the last paragraph where you said:
"He's giving me strength, not just to make it through another day, but to live victoriously! He's giving me His wisdom to make decisions that are critical to my life. He's developing my patience to endure painful injustices. He's offering me forgiveness so that I might offer it to those who offend me. He's filling me with hope for the moments when all hope seems gone. He's pouring down His grace upon me in the times when I least deserve His love. He's giving me joy when my life appears to be unraveling. And God does all of this as He fills me with Himself..."
GOD spoke these words right into my spirit from His Spirit - through your writing here today.
God is doing a great work every day but lately I have felt the need to put that CAUTION sign on my door too - for all who enter my home! He's so real - so alive
someone might actually see Him walking around in my house!
Thank you for this powerful and comforting Word from God today!
We are ALL FINALLY LEARNING to TRUST HIM!!!! And we are blown away by the results!!!
MY JESUS! May His Name be glorified on earth as it is in heaven!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
PS: thank you for your prayers for my healing- He's actually in the middle of doing JUST THAT in my body right now!
Wonderful post Cherie!
Thank you for joining my blog and I so appreciate your encouraging comment!
I'm following you now and look forward to getting to know you - my new bloggy friend!
Sweet Blessings!
Thank you so much for sharing your walk with God. I love your posts because they are truth and they encourage me on my own walk with God. We serve an amazing God!
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie