Have you ever felt like you're "missing something?" I'm talking about in the whole scope of life. In case you haven't noticed, time isn't going by any slower. In fact, I'm convinced that it's speeding up. And so are our lives. As we travel our journey through life, we're missing out on "burning bush" moments. We're missing God's voice and we're overlooking God's presence in our lives.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning said it best:
"Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush
afire with God;
But only he who sees,
takes off his shoes"
That may seem like a strange statement until you understand what she's referring to. If we're talking about burning bushes . . . we're talking about Moses in Exodus 3. Moses was tending to a flock of sheep on the far side of the wilderness. (We too can find ourselves in the wilderness of our lives . . . know this: just when you fear God has abandoned you, just when you think He's deserted you . . . it's God Himself who has led you there, so that He can draw you close enough to speak to you.) When Moses decided to get closer to this strange phenomenon . . . God spoke to Him. (Only when we approach God, come closer, anxious to experience Him, does He speak.) As Moses continued to move closer and closer, the Lord said,
“Do not come any closer,” God said.
“Take off your sandals,
for the place where you
are standing is holy ground.”
(Exodus 3:5)
It was at that moment that God revealed to Moses His great plan to free His people. Here's the thing: God waited until Moses willfully chose to come closer to God. Moses took the time to notice the burning bush and then He recognized it as something from God. It's in those "burning bush" moments that God tells us to "take our shoes off" because we're in His presence . . . we're on Holy Ground.
So, my question is . . . "Are you taking your shoes off? And how often?" I know that in my own life I have experienced MANY burning bush moments. Times where I was so aware of God's power and presence that it overtook me just as it did Moses. I realized, very quickly, that I was standing on holy ground. But, I'm convinced that there are MANY bushes that I've missed. Or maybe I noticed them, but didn't get closer to them. Quite possibly I was just too busy to hear from God. That not only grieves me, but causes me to approach each new day focused on looking for "burning bushes" in my life.
I know I need to keep my eyes open for God. I need to be aware that He may appear at any moment . . . even if through a burning bush. I need to be ready, at any given moment, to "take my shoes off." I pray that God will bring my spirit to a place of quite possibly never putting my "spiritual" shoes on . . . that I might recognize every step of my life to be on holy ground. I want to look through God's eye, recognizing that "earth is crammed full of heaven." I want to recognize that "every common bush is afire with God." And I want to be the one who "takes my shoes off." How about you?
The Greatest Reward?
2 days ago
Oh, my, that's powerful stuff! It left my heart racing. Thank you for that God-inspired message. I want to be a person that doesn't miss the burning bush--though I know I have missed too many in the past. Thank you for your encouraging, challenging, inviting words.
Sister, you inspire me beyond words . . . I pray that God will richly bless you for bringing His words . . . His hope to the world!!!! Isaiah 52:7 . . . How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"
Sister, your feet are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Our God Reigns!
Blessings and prayers,
I'm sure we all miss those "burning bushes" in our lives, and your reminder is very timely and needed. Thank you for sharing the beautiful post, Cherie!
Cherie, I am learning to take my shoes off much more often. Blessings.
I am enthralled with HOLY. The "set apartness" of our lives in Christ. The fact that The HOLY ONE abides in me of dirty feet. ~Amazing. May I not miss one holy moment. :)
That's awesome, Cherie! I love that quote. Oh may I be the one who sees and takes off my shoes! Much to ponder, and I love pondering deep truths.
Thank you, sweet friend!
Hello Cherie,
Wow! What a great post! Seek Him and you will find Him, listen and you will hear HIm, follow and He will guide you, ask and receive, etc. He isn't so far away that He can't hear nor to distant that He can't help, but we separate ourselves from Him. Lord, forgive us and draw us to Yourself that we may know You.
I signed up to be a follower. My blog is Manifest Blog if you're interested.
God bless!
Thank you for your comments Stephen! I will get over to check out Manifest Blog!
Thanks for popping over and visiting my blog. God created me to LIVE in barefeet....for comfort and abiding with Him. It is a journey we are on to discover more about how to relate to Him. When we seek Him in the holy of holies we find so much for our good and His glory.
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie