Sheep. They have a high degree of independence at birth, they flock together and like to be a part of a group, they’re nervous and easily frightened, defenseless against predators (they’re only able to run away), they’re particular in their grazing habits (they’re picky), they rank in intelligence just below the pig, if they fall over on their back they have to have help to get back up, they have no sense to lie down when they’re injured, they’ll follow each other off a cliff, if they fall into moving water they’ll drown, and they have severely limited vision. Pretty pitiful creatures. And yet, Jesus calls US sheep.
At times, I’m tempted to wonder if my ministry ( that God has given me is really making a difference in the lives of others. (I hear that it does from time to time. I've had subscribers email me if their Daily Scripture doesn't arrive right on time : ) But, then He reminds me of Luke 9:62, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." So, I dare not look back, but just keep plowing forward; ignoring the devil’s schemes to pull me out of God’s will. But, as I’ve prayed about this many times, wondering if I’m doing enough to reach the unsaved, God spoke to me about the Disciple Peter.
Peter had denied Jesus, but when Jesus was resurrected, He returned to His disciples and had an encounter with Peter about his love and devotion to Him. Jesus had to ask Peter if he loved Him THREE times. (I often wonder how many times the Lord feels like He needs to ask me that question in any given day.) When Peter answered “Yes, Lord you know that I love you,” Jesus commanded him to “Feed my sheep.” Jesus wasn’t referring to those who were lost. He was referring to those who were saved. HIS sheep; under His care. He wasn’t talking about physical food. He was talking about “spiritual” food. And we know that man cannot live on bread alone. (Matthew 4:4) We are only truly “fed” by every Word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. And that’s exactly what does . . . it sends out the Word of God to those who need fed. (reaching into over 30 countries around the world!)
I found peace in knowing that God had gently and powerfully spoken to me in my prayers. I’m feeding His sheep. It’s His responsibility to go after the lost ones. (Jesus said "No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draw him: and I will raise him up on the last day.'' John 6:44). I’ve had to come to grips with the fact that it’s Jesus’ job to save, not mine. Jesus also spoke of a parable in which the Shepherd leaves the ninety-nine sheep to seek the one who is lost. (Luke 15:4-7) So, I’m going to trust God to use me to feed His sheep; to care for them in the way He’s commanded me to. Truly there is no greater joy than being His servant. I’ve given my life to Christ, and in doing so, I’ve been given the great joy of spending the rest of my life feeding sheep . . . and kneeling at His feet to be fed by Him, My Shepherd.
The Greatest Reward?
2 days ago
Have you read Margaret Feinberg's book Scouting the Divine? She spends time with a vintner, a shepherdess, a farmer, and a beekeeper. She reveals very interesting truths when it comes to shepherding and sheep!
Thanks for stopping by my blog---and I'm glad to have discovered yours!
Hi Cherie, keep feeding His sheep. Plus His word will never return void. Just think, how many lost sheep may stray over to your ScriptureNow pasture and receive saving grace!
Blessings and hugs to you!
Many, many hugs of encouragement to you...
I think we all are facing the same questions. Is this what I am supposed to be doing? Is this still your will for me God?
Gods timing is not our timing... I had to learn that the hard way.
You are a dear, dear person and thank you for your open and honest heart.
Hi Cherie,
I hope your having a great day!
What the sheep lack in, they make-up for in cuteness :o)
The Lord has been working on me with the issue of putting so much thought and energy into people surrendering their lives to Him, when I need to redirect my focus on what you stated as "Feeding His Sheep," and live a life that glorifies and honors Him because I love Him, and by doing so others will not be drawn to me, but as we know He will draw
all men to himself (John 12:32).
This is all easier said than done, and
I will sometimes feel I have failed Him, and I get so stuck on that, then He reminds me to redirect my thoughts and focus onto Him when I'm thinking inwardly, and it is there I will find rest, and remember I'm human, and that He knows my hearts desire is to serve Him, but I sometimes loose sight of Him as I get caught-up in what I'm doing for Him, and how to please Him, and I'm too busy to spend quiet time alone with just Him.
I'm noticing the more I desire to seek Him, the more He reveals my weaknesses and pride issues, but if He doesn't show me, He can't
Grow Me :o)
So I figure to feed His Sheep, I've got to be fed first, and that is what class I'm enrolled in right now " Feed My Sheep Class 101 " :o) :o)
Great post, clearly it got me thinking & writing :o)
God bless you!!
Hey Cherie,
When I read this today... "At times, I’m tempted to wonder if my ministry ( that God has given me is really making a difference in the lives of others."
I thought I ought to let you know that you are making a difference! God is using you! You are a blessing to many!
They just don't always remember to tell you and thank you and let you know!
I feel the same way many days. Am I really making a dent? So often God reminds me to seek to please Him only, and He'll take care of the rest.
It is challenging though (esp. as a woman who loves words) to live only for the applause of heaven.
Praying that you'll hear loudly both God's applause and others' appreciation this week!
Blessings to you,
Oh my dear Cherie..
Never doubt the good you do..Satan has made me feel that way more than Iwould like to admit,but he is wrong..your ministry is LEADING THE SHEEP,, keep going strong my friend..
you are one of Gods FAVORITE you my friend..
Sisters, you are ALL such amazing blessings in my life. As always, I'm going to stop by and visit each one of you! Thank you for your encouragement . . .praying for each of you continually!
Love and big hugs,
What an awesome post, Cherie. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie