Ever thought about it? What if you were God? I'd never dared to contemplate it, until a few weeks ago. A young man in our church gave his testimony of a life of drugs and alcohol surrendered to Christ. It was riveting. But, if that were not enough, he stood in front of a congregation of thousands and sang an unpublished song that voiced the lyrics, "Thank God, God's not me." Since I heard those words, and saw this young man sing beautifully for the glory of God . . . my heart as been consumed with awe of God's love.
You see, if I were God, I would have given up on me a LONG time ago. I would have tossed that "seventy times seven" rule out and declared a new rule of "one strike and you're out!" I would have looked upon my life and counted it as loss and then left me to rot away in the consequences of my sin. I would have judged harshly and called it just. I would have NEVER sacrificed a beloved son to save me. I would have selfishly held onto what was rightfully mine. I would have never used unbearable pain for my gain. I would have used my life to display all that is wrong with the world. I would have left me hanging in darkness for all eternity. But, thank God, He's not me.
He put my Savior, His beloved Son, to hang on a tree
and He poured out His love for me (and you) and . . .
He did it with nails.
It's not the way I would have done it,
but "Hey, I'm not God" . . . Thank God, I'm not.
The Greatest Reward?
3 days ago
Oh my friend..I am sooooo with you on that,, I am glad I am not God too, If I was God,,I would (more often than not) be embarrased at Me, at his child,,, but I am so grateful that he is fair, forgiving, and even forgetful,
Great post.. Love the personal stuff from you..
just love you all together.. have a great week..
Ps.. If I was God,, you would be my favorite.. :)
Karen, you are such a blessing to me! Know that I continue to pray for you dear friend . . . coming by to visit you!:)
BIG HUGS and lots of love,
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment on my blog...like you, I would have given up on me and must admit...many days I do...the sad thing...that means I'm giving up on him and how is that living a life of and for Christ in front of my children> not good.....would love for you to link up any Wednesday....no rules, just a focus on the one who created us, made a plan for us and love us....because he is in us!
Blessings to you Cherie, This post is so powerful and like you, Karen and Rebecca if I were God I would have given up on me at the first thought of sin. I also would have given up on my beloved, whom I've prayed for for 30+ yrs. But Praise God I am not He. His mercy endures forever.
Hugs & Love, Noreen
Hi Cherie,
Oh, I'm so with you on this one "Thank God, He's Not Me."
My mind can't even fully grasp the wonders of God, and
reach the depth of understanding, of how he loves us the way He does.
I agree with the other comments, that if I were Him I would never
of forgiven someone like me, I would have seen me as worthless.
He is an Awesome God!
As always your post make me think, think more about our wonderful Savior, and this post just really hits home on just how blessed we all are.
God bless you friend,
Ouch! Beautiful post and so true... good reminder!!
Very thought-provoking...our God is so good and merciful...so thankful He is who He is!
Thank you Lord that you are God. You're merciful, sovereign and loving.
Christian Woman
Thank you all sweet sisters for your wonderful comments . . . I think we're all in agreement . . . we cherish our Savior and the God who sent Him!
Blessings and hugs!
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie