The Lord has been speaking to me about something. He may want to speak to you about it too. God's voice became stronger to me, as I reviewed the "Passion of the Christ" last week. I watched as Jesus pleaded, to the point of sweating blood, that God would make another way. Yet, there was silence. The Heavenly Father seemed absent as Jesus resolved to: "nevertheless Your will be done." Then, He "got up." He rose up in faith and continued His journey of God's will for Him.
When He was brutally beaten and asked to carry His cross, it seemed unthinkable that He could be losing so much blood and continue his walk to Golgatha. You can't help but wonder, under such suffering, why He didn't just lie on the ground and die . . . He could have avoided the pain of crucifixion. He didn't. (taking that route would not have fulfilled God's will) He "got up." And He kept "getting up." It seemed impossible that He could carry on . . . His suffering was beyond anything that we can imagine. Yet, it was Jesus who said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible." (Matthew 19:26) It's because Jesus "got up" that we have eternal life . . . there was no other way. He had to carry the cross . . . He had to fulfill God's will regardless of the price. And we rejoice that He did.
But, here's where God has been speaking to me. I'm spending TOO much time in the Garden (of Gethsemane). He has answered me, He has spoken to me, and my cup will not pass. He has shown me His will. I'm not sure what you're going through in life, but I'm confident that there's something you want God to "take care of" . . . to "remove from your life," so that you can finally have peace and joy. He's told you to walk forward in His will, and like me, you're not getting up. You keep going back to the Garden asking God if there is another way . . . as if He suddenly came up with a better plan from the last time you cried out upon your knees. He wants us to "get up." The "Garden" time is over. It's time to walk forward in His will and carry the Cross. But more than that . . . it's time to start praising Him . . . because He's about to do something amazing, as we obey Him. Not in our strength, but in Christ's, we must keep focused on God . . . through the pain, through the tears, through the struggles of this life . . . God is preparing us for what lies ahead. He's strengthening our faith for the journey. If you haven't noticed it yet, if you're carrying a cross, you're becoming more like Christ than you ever imagined. The sufferings of this life are tools in the hands of God. He's chiseling away at the flesh and bringing forth a spirit that is filled with the character of Christ. God is always at work . . . He never slumbers . . . and He uses ALL things for good. ALL THINGS.
Jesus trusted in God. And if we're following Him, then we must trust God too. Regardless of what our eyes see, we must trust in the unseen. That is where hope is found. True hope.
Seven years ago, I came to a place of asking God to take my life . . . He did . . . just not in the way I had asked Him to. (He had another way!) His exact words in my darkest hour was, "Get up!" I thought it strange that He would be so stern, so seemingly "heartless," as I poured out my soul to Him. But, He knew the right words to say. And I "got up." I cannot tell you what an amazing journey this has been in following Christ. He has walked with me all the way. He's never left my side. My burdens have not been removed, but He has made them lighter. I've grown closer to God than I could ever fathom. Yet, as I've grown so much, I've come to a place of focusing too much on my burden and allowing my soul to be downcast . . . and once again, God is saying, "Get up!"
So, here's the thing . . . whatever your burden . . . God has purpose and reason for it. And He is with you always. He's not asking you to "get up" in your strength, but in His. And His voice is shouting from Heaven to you . . . and the message is clear:
"Get up! What are you doing down on your face?" (Joshua 7:10)
Dear Cherie, What an amazingly powerful post for all of us because each of us has some sort of trial that we need to walk through, becoming more like Him. Thank you dear sister for sharing this today.
Hugs and love,
This post was so inspiring! The pictures really give a clear perspective on these truths...I especially liked this:
"God is always at work . . . He never slumbers . . . and He uses ALL things for good. ALL THINGS."...
Powerful post, Cherie! His plans for us are always in our best interest - you're absolutely right, that sometimes we desire an easier way. In my devotion time this week, He's been showing me over and over that if I love Him, I'll be obedient to Him. Dying to self, and following Him. Praying for extra grace in your life as you draw near to Him and follow one step at a time. The outcome WILL truly be amazing! Hugs and blessings! :)
Wonderful post, Cherie! God's way is always the best, and walking with Him is an amazing journey. I'm up and running in HIS strength!
Blessings and hugs,
I LOVED each of your comments! Going to buzz by each of your blogs to say hello! You are such blessings!
Oh Cherie,
What a great post! Yes, I spend my time in the garden whining-er, praying- even after God has told me to get up and GO already!
Thank you for this very inspiring message!
Hi Cherie,
The pictures captured my attention, and spoke to my heart, but it's the outpouring of your heart and the truth of God that moved me.
You said;
"I came to a place of asking God to take my life . . . He did . . . just not in the way I had asked Him to."
I too did the same, but it was not until I actually poured a bottle of pills onto the counter to take my life, that at that moment He brought me to my knees literally, in tears. I knew He had stopped me, He could see my heart at a depth I could not see, a heart that was so desperately crying out to Him.
I linked to David Wilkerson's blog from yours, and I want you to know that my heart has been heavy to the point of wondering "Am I saved Lord?" because it seems that He is revealing things about myself to me that are shameful, painful etc..,These are things that I know that without question that I needed to sincerely repent of. I say "Lord I'm seeking you, I don't understand,?" I had thoughts about "Is this what it means when He is ridding us of ourselves, is this how it feels?" and after reading your blog post, and then Pastor David Wilkerson's I now have my answer, and it's yes "He's ridding me of myself" He's given me the peace I needed, and " I will press on..". Amen
I thank God for your post, and also where it lead me.
God bless you friend,
Wow, this is such a powerful message, and one I need to remember. I go through life carrying burdens and wondering how I'm going to fix everything. Sometimes I just need to let go and get up!
Dear Cherie,
He gently reminds us, "For My grace is sufficient for thee...My strength is made perfect in your weakness." And then He reminds us, "If the Son of Man be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me." Thankfully He did get up. And so He bids us to too. Remember Elijah, in I Kings 19, after a VICTORY flees for his life: "But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.
5. And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat."
Did you notice the angel told him to arise and eat. Sometimes in our darkest hour, it's hard to do even the most basic things--like "arising and eating." I found it interesting that the juniper tree is also a "broom tree." How many times have we felt "swept away" by our circumstances too, sister??! And, as with Elijah, sometimes garden moments like this come RIGHT AFTER a victory! Have you noticed if the enemy can't stop us from being victorious, he surely can knock the wind out of us right afterwards and subsequently rob us of our joy?? If you search, you'll find many many times Jesus is telling others to "Get going." But remember, you're going to "get going in His grace." For it is only by His grace that we can be sustained through whatever circumstance He's allowed. I'm praying for you to find His strength and grace to be more than enough to "arise and get going."
Sending much love too!
Alicia, big hugs to you! Praying for you always dear sister!
Michele, thank you for your comments . . . dear sister, don't know if you heard . . . but, Wednesday David Wilkerson died in a fatal car accident. I am so saddened, as he had such a DRAMATIC impact on my faith each and every day. At times, it was his devotionals that carried me through each day. It is just devastating.
Julie, I join you in the struggle to let go. I try to keep some things within my grasp . . .I've learned that I'm not surrendered to God unless I'm COMPLETELY surrendered.
Tammi, sister . . . you have no idea how much you've encouraged my faith. It was only this last year that God spoke to me about the "broom tree." You words were not words of your own today . . . but a message to me from God. Thank you sister for taking the time to be used by Him today and strengthen me.
Love to you!!!!!
Thanks for following my blog :) This is a very powerful post. You are a very good writer. I needed to hear this today. Thank you!!
I'm going to be a christian counselor too, I'm in college getting my degree in Psychology Christian Counseling.
God Bless,
Krista @ http://fromthepagesoflove.blogspot.com/
Krista, thank you for your comments . . .praying the Lord will strengthen you in every way for the journey ahead . . . may He use you in mighty ways!
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie