There's a quote from John Wesley that continually
haunts me and drives me to examine my faith.
The first time I read it, I was consumed
by the power of it; maybe you will be too.
"Set yourself on fire and people will come
for miles to watch you burn."
He's not talking about literally, but in the Christian life. Our lives should burn with passion for the Lord. I often look in the mirror wondering where I put the matches . . . because I need to be set on fire. My reflection of Him seems to be a vague distortion and I beg Him to use the Holy Spirit to consume me from the inside out and illuminate my life in a way that points people to Him.
Years ago a pastor at my church asked several questions that have stuck with me over the years, maybe they will further your walk in faith as well . . .
1) Who do you know that loves Jesus more than you?
2) How is your life different since you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior?
So, the answer to number one can seem like a trick question to me . . . because honestly, I want to love Jesus more than ANYONE I know. At the same time, I continually look around me to find someone who does. I need those people in my life. Question two seemed like a trick question as well . . . actually it's just easier answered, not with what is different, but that NOTHING is the same. There is something that happens when you are consumed by the Spirit. Remember Moses? When He went up on the holy mountain to meet with God, there was a huge earthquake, a smoking volcano, and a roar of thunder, all wrapped up in one incredible experience of God's holiness, truth, and power. And when Moses came down off the mountain, He GLOWED! God's presence was so real that it left evidence on Moses face and the brightness was so overwhelming that it frightened the people. Everyone KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that Moses had been in the presence of the Lord. Shouldn't people around us experience the same? Shouldn't our lives BURN in such a way that the light of it is consuming. Matt Redman puts it this way:
"That passage gives us insight into two things: the deep revelation of God, and the change it brings to those who experience it. The greater the revelation, the greater the transformation. Unveiled in his worship and given incredible access to the presence of God, Moses also became a changed worshipper who glowed with the glory of God."
So are you glowing? Are you casting off any light at all? I'm asking God for new illumination. Quite frankly, I'd like to have a Clark Griswold kind of Christian life (Christmas Vacation) . . . one that is overdone in illumination of the Lord. Those around us should know we've been in His presence. We should be a bonfire that draws crowds and makes people from miles around wonder where the smoke is coming from. So, in my prayer closet, this is the issue in my faith right now. I'm asking God to work on this in me. And I'm fully confident He will. So, if you see smoke . . . it just might be me . . . come watch me burn!
The morning song
5 hours ago
Wow-- somehow (while I'm supposed to be working AND preparing for a speech I'm giving in a few hours) I fell down an Internet hole and found your blog. So very glad I did. I enjoyed it from the first word of that quote, which will surely stay with me, until the last word of your post.
Cherie, I am so glad that God orchestrated this meeting! Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement on my post! I look forward to more visits with you!
This post is so powerful and I just can't wait to read more of your writings and books. Sigh! Yes! "Let them wonder where the smoke is coming from"! That made me smile as well as yearn for more communion with the holy spirit. Draw me closer, Lord and let them wonder!
Thanks for these words of truth and beauty!
God bless you!
Beautiful post, Cherie! You definitely radiate Christ in your writing. Your transparency is refreshing and your desire to be everything God created you to be is an inspiration. May we be consumed with a passion for our Savior!
*In response to your comment at Life Lessons:Cherie - So glad the Lord spoke to you through this post. Sounds like you're at an exciting (albeit stressful!) time in your life. I like the fact that you are confident that God WILL show up - you can always count on Him! Hang in there, my sister - I'm certain the journey will be worth it! (If I can pray more specifically for you, don't hesitate to e-mail me: morgan(dot)maria(dot)i(at)gmail(dot)com.
Hugs and blessings!
Cherie ~ You weren't kidding when you said you believe that God is speaking to His children about His fire!!!! Wow!! This post is beautifully written! Our God is so passionate...thank you for coming by to visit me today...what a blessing to see that Cherie came by..heeheehee!
God bless you and keep you...I see the FIRE!!! Teresa BTW...Come by and see me at
Hi Cherie,
Wow!! This is awesome; You said;
"I'm asking God to work on this in me"
My hearts desire is to be there, burning with passion for Him, but I just can't get there without the Help of His Holy Spirit, and I too know the Lord knows if our prayers are from a sincere heart, He hears them. I have days I feel I'm drained, and just reading my Bible seems overwhelming, but He does not give-up on me, and I become more determined to seek Him. What an awesome God, and I pray I will burn with passion.
God bless,
Beautiful and timely post, Cherie. Thank you for sharing your heart and redirecting my eyes back to Jesus.
Have a blessed weekend.
(and thank you for your prayers for my Samuel)
Hello my friend.. Hope you had a great weekend.. We had a very relaxing one,, and boy was it
Love this post.. you are right at first glimpse of that saying and it makes you step back a for a minute....
When you get a chance stop by my blog and pick up an award I gave to you..
I hope you like it.. I dont usually do the award thing,, its like Fwrd on email :/ but this one was I hope you dont mind,, love ya my friend, have a blessed week..
Sisters, you are ALL such a blessing to me! I am so thankful God reaches through to each of your hearts as He convicts and transforms mine. I'll be stopping by to visit each of you . . . you know that's my style! ;)
Love to you all!
Nicely said, Cherie! A bonfire for the Lord...I love it.
Had a similar experience recently. We saw a Christian performing at a coffee house. He said his son asked him if God ever spoke to him. He said no, God never did.
How sad!!! If we want God to talk to us, all we have to do is ask. It's that easy. But you have to be willing to spend lots of quiet time with God, and you have to really be still and listen. It's all about being in the fire. Do we want it? Or are we too busy...
Wow Cherie ~
I am rigtht there with a deep desire [on fire] for GOD - but I had never heard that quote. His fire of passion is contageous - may I join you to spark one another to go to the deeper depths with JESUS!
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, in spite of my afflictions, the LORD continues to pour down blessing all around me!
"Come, Lord JESUS, come!
Choosing JOY in this season,
Deborah and Stephanie, coming by to pay you a visit! You are such blessings sisters!
Love to you!
Hi Cherie,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I say Amen to your post! Light me on fire, Lord!. The other night I was in a service and the presence of God was so strong I danced and danced before the Lord. It was amazing! Maybe we can encourage each other to burn for Him...His Love, His Power, His Holiness. Thanks for the encouragement today.
I misplace my matches from time to time, too...praying with you for that new illumination!
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie