"Start" The Bible for New Believers is a great start in the walk of faith. I especially loved the subtopics throughout the Scriptures that made the books of the Bible more easily understood in their context. (The subtopics give you a quick summarization of what is happening within the text . . . which allows you to more easily work your way through it.)
In the beginning of the Bible is a section titled "The Plan for Salvation" which calls the reader into a personal relationship with Christ. I agree with another reviewer, in that, more emphasis should have been placed on our sin and our need for salvation. We shouldn't try and sugar coat our need for salvation. I also found the second section, "Secrets to Spiritual Success," to be especially helpful. Many "new" believers (even long time believers) have a hard time understanding how it is they are to walk out their faith. There are many mixed messages out there regarding the walk of faith and Greg Laurie sets the record straight through Scripture and gives the "new" believer a fantastic "head start" in their faith! (There are five secrets! Don't miss them.)
I would have liked to have seen a different translation for new believers. The NIV and NLT are so helpful in better understanding the Scriptures . . . I believe as a Christian matures in their faith, they naturally seek out the original text (KJV or NKJV). The "Live-Learn-Grow-Know" notes were helpful in journeying through the Scriptures and understanding more clearly what is meant by them. So, all in all, I would definitely recommend this book to a new believer! It is DEFINITELY a great START!
*I was provided this book by the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze program in exchange for my unbiased review.
In the New Year
2 weeks ago
Looks like a great book. I love your review and how you were honest about what you did and didn't like! I love the KJV for my studies, but didn't start out with it. New Christians and new students of the Word definitely need to start with a translation they can understand.
thanks Cherie!
Hey Cherie.. sorry it has been so long since i have been by to visit..but it shouldnt be a problem from now on. I was having major computer problem,,but have borrowed a pc from my cousin and am back on the internet now..wooo hooo....
that book sounds great..
I love reading,but it takes me forever to read a book..I am one of those people that have to have complete silence to read and comprehine what i am reading,,and you can only imagaine how often that happens..I carry a book around with me and read it while i am waiting to pick kids up from school,but at that pace i only get one or 2 pages read per day.. but anyway.. love the post and will check out that book.
hope all in life if going well for you..
talk to ya again real soon
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie