Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Bible Companion

I reviewed the original "The Voice New Testament," and decided to see what might have been revised and updated to alter my previous review. I was pleasantly surprised by my finding. Truly, most of the content hadn't changed "that much," but I was enamored by the Preface. Truly, the publisher, contributing authors, and editors, listened to the reviews from the first edition.

The Preface is ABSOLUTELY VITAL to read prior to engaging in "The Voice." It is incredibly evident that the contributors have gone to extraordinary lengths to translate the original Biblical texts appropriately. The argument and problem that most have with this version of the Bible, "The Voice," is that the language is more "modern day." But truthfully, more understandable, if you will. The essence of the Word of God is not altered in any way. It would be as if we suddenly found the Dead Sea Scrolls today, in America, and we had scholars interpret based upon the language we currently speak. We don't speak in "Old English." Therefore, all the "thees and thous" can get "in the way" for many trying to receive the gospel. At times, this language can make the gospel appear "untouchable." It APPEARS that nothing of the original manuscripts have been compromised in the translations. I just think it is difficult for many who are strong believers to get into a more "everyday" language when reading the Bible. We tend to want to hold God "up there," but sometimes we hold Him so high that others, non-believers, can't reach Him. (myself included) The Ecclesia Bible Society is passionate about reaching the world with the TRUE gospel and The Voice is an avenue that they have seen work when reaching the lost. In no way are they diminishing other translations, they are merely recognizing the great divide between ancient translations and the desperation for the lost to hear the gospel in a way that they can connect to in our 21st century. I am not a Biblical Scholar, I cannot be 100% certain that nothing has been compromised in this translation. Therefore, I cannot recommend it as "The Bible" translation that should be used. In my reading, I found nothing that diminished the gospel message. I would recommend it as a companion, or possibly for someone who is having a difficult time connecting with God's Word.

*I was provided this book for free through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program in exchange for my unbiased review.


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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie

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