"Moments of Truth" by John MacArthur has just become one of my favorite devotionals of all time. I was ecstatic when I saw that MacArthur was releasing a devotional and only "hoped" that it would turn out to be a treasure. It is actually more wonderful than I had hoped. Truly, MacArthur's writings should be treasured in the way that C.S. Lewis' writings have been. He brings insight, challenge, and strength to your faith in every one of his works.
"Moments of Truth" is first divided into pertinent topics based upon the months of the year. For instance, "January-Beginnings, February-Love, March-The Cross and Easter, etc. Each day begins with a Scripture in which MacArthur provides deep insight and profound faith stretching material. My favorite part of each devotional was the quote/question at the end of each page from MacArthur's previous writings. (If you don't know which of MacArthur's other books you'd like to read, you can take notes on which "end" quotes you found most interesting . . . which reference the particular book it was taken from. Each devotional's end question was incredibly thought provoking and caused me to examine my faith in greater ways than I have before. I wanted to write down all the questions as a collection! This devotional was as faith stretching as any devotional I've ever read. (I read alot! :)
I would NOT HESITATE to buy this devotional . . . this one is going to remain on my shelves as a classic!
*I was provided this book for free through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program in exchange for my unbiased review.
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie