Thursday, May 23, 2013

NEW! has been reaching into over 30 countries around the world for nearly 10 years! Today, I launch the NEW ScriptureNow! Resources to encourage and strengthen your faith will be added regularly, and you can now access the BUILD YOUR FAITH page, complete with personal Scripture prayers that will speak directly to your circumstances. And as always, ScriptureNow offers the prayer page where you can submit your prayer request and receive Scriptures that speak directly to you! Spread the word of ScriptureNow and spread THE WORD!

*A special thank you to ALL of you around the world who prayed for me and the ministry, and took the time to email me, encouraging me and strengthening me along the way. You will never know the impact your prayers have had on this ministry and my personal life. God bless you all abundantly, beyond measure!


Kendra said...

This is wonderful Cheri! My pc is down.. everything on the internet is done on my little phone and im not one of those who can just click away words to type. Love you and God bless your Ministry! Love Kendra

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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie

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