I truly enjoyed this book! I wasn't sure how a book about building churches in rural america would speak to me in any way, but I was wonderfully surprised. I'm not in a leadership position, but I do follow Christ and Shannon 0'Dell is all about following Christ. AND He wants you to see how it's done in today's world.
First and foremost, the writing style was fantastic. The topics were intriguing and the message was not just for leaders of ministries, but to those who seek to transform their lives in order to serve the kingdom of God. O'Dell asks thought provoking questions that will deepen your faith. He's not out to condemn, He's following in Christ's footsteps . . . to convict. Throughout the book there are references to his website where you can watch videos on the particular topics he's writing about. O'Dell seeks to save you all the leg work in ministry and help you tremendously on the learning curve! I would highly recommend this book to church leaders of any kind. Even small group leaders. AND I would recommend it to anyone who believes they may be called in the future to serve in leadership. This book could help you make that decision.
I would like to encourage Mr. O'Dell to write on a more broad topic in Christian Living . . . I believe he has A LOT to say, not just about how to grow a church in rural America, but how to bring about the Kingdom of God in individual lives. The author is gifted in writing and communication when it comes to conveying God's heart. I look forward to reading more powerful books from this pastor after God's heart.
*I received this book free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze program.
The morning song
1 day ago
Sounds like an interesting book. It's great to find applicable information within a book that doesn't appear as if it would speak to you. Thanks for the review! Have a blessed week, Cherie!
Sounds interesting.............May have to pick it up for a good read!
Thanks for the review....
OMG.. Satan so Sucks... I just wrote a long comment and when i click post comment, it disappeard..
I stopped by to say Hello.. Sorry it has been so long since i have been by to visit..my computer has been having a melt down, curtiousy of Satan IM sure.. but i finally was able to get on for a few minutes and wanted to say Hi..
Hope all is going well..
I am still in the midst of trial right now. husband is still not working and life is hard..but God is good , so I know this is just a season and we will get through it..
but if you would still keep us in your prayers I would truly appreciate it..
Well again hope all is well with you and your family..and i will stop by to visit again as soon as i am able..
(Im going to copy this comment this time, just incase it disappears before i can click post comment..lol )
God Bless .
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie