There is nothing more fantastic and uplifting than to see the abudnance of books that have hit the shelves lately . . . proclaiming the name of Jesus and the gospel. "The Gospel According to Jesus," by Chris Seay, is one of many that urge proclaimed Christians to live out their faith in the fullest sense of the word. However, this book, for me, falls short. Especially, in light of the others that I have read lately.
"The Gospel According to Jesus" teaches that true righteousness comes from a personal relationship with Christ, not by way of religious traditions. It shows us how our "works" are the outpouring of Christ in our life. Amen. But, at times, I felt the book could be perceived as a little condemning. I didn't feel a overwhelming desire to draw closer to Jesus and pursue a relationship with HIm or moved to do "something" when I finished the book. I didn't feel "touched" by Jesus . . . and I felt I should have been . . . seeing that it is "His" gospel. Unlike other books I've read lately that teach the gospel . . . it did not move the Spirit within you to take action. (See: "The Hole in our Gospel" by Richard Stearns and "Outlive Your Life" by Max Lucado) Unfortunately, I think the point and message of the book were overstated and little of "Jesus" really came through. It was a good read . . . just not one I'd whole heartedly recommend.
*I was provided this book by Thomas Nelson through the BookSneeze blogger progarm in exchange for my review.
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Thanks girl for the heads up.. I love to read but dont get as much time as i would like to read.. I am one of those people that has to have complete silence around me to read.. and I read in my car when i am sitting at different schools waiting for kids to get I can get a chapter or two in a day,,and because of that I have read so good books even if it took me a long time to get through it..
Well Have a great Friday.. and a weekend..
x0x0x talk to ya soon
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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie