Sunday, December 11, 2011

Going Deep

The most unique aspect of this book is how it is written and read like a non-fiction book, yet is fictional. When you begin reading, you'd be convinced this is a recount of the journey of a pastor, being led by God to "go deeper" in his own faith. It's a beautiful story of a man of God being led by God in order to take the church where it needs to go. The author's depiction of how God works divinely could not be more real.

I loved the foundation of this story. It all starts with conversation about an "elevator story." The concept grabbed me and caused me to think about my own life . . . my own testimony. Though slowly, but surely, the story takes off and you find yourself captivated by the characters who are no different that you or I; People within a community, within a church, struggling to get beyond the surface of faith and go "deeper."

I agree with many of the reviewers . . . the book was a little drawn out. Although uniquely organized and well written, it was just too long. I read an article about the Gordan MacDonald's "going deeper" on Christianity and found that you get just as much from the six page article. However, becoming enthralled in the process of "going deeper" caused me to view aspects of my faith that I had not truly examined before. As other reviewers have stated, there are really no new concepts in this book, no great anecdotes to the aging question of how to take people deeper in their faith and devotion to Christ, but I believe the story yields insight and opens the human heart so that the individual reading it is prompted to have what MacDonald would call a "dream session."

I would say that those who will MOST appreciate this book are current pastoral leaders and those in seminary. For the general Christian, it may not be what you're hoping for . . . although I believe it will bring about an awareness that you NEED to go "deeper," no matter what stage of your faith walk you're in. "Going Deeper" aroused a question in my heart, "If I were on the shores of Galilea, would Jesus have picked me as his Disciple? (even though I'm a woman) Why? or Why not?" With that question in mind, my faith goes deeper, and so do I.

*I was provided this book for free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.


Just Be Real said...

Thanks for the review, /Blessings

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I am so blessed that you would take the time to share your thoughts with me! You encourage my faith and I pray that God will fill you to the full with His love, mercy,and grace! With joy, Cherie

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